photos of Madison, NC

We Are Ready to Assist You

If you have questions, comments or concerns , please complete the form below and your concerns will be forwarded to the appropriate Town Employee for a response.  
You may also contact us by mail or in person at:
Madison Town Hall
120 N. Market Street
Madison, NC  27025
Phone:  336-427-0221  
Fax:      336-427-2565



*First and Last Name:
E-mail Address:
*Phone Number:
*Comment or Question:
*Would you like to be contacted? (Check one box only, please):
Yes, call me
Yes, e-mail me
Yes, either call or e-mail me
No need to contact me

* - denotes required field

Official Website of the Town of Madison, North Carolina.
Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Background photo courtsey of Albert Cardwell