photos of Madison, NC
Town of Madison Official Zoning Map
Town of Madison Official Zoning Map
The Town of Madison Zoning Ordinance was revised and adopted by the Board of Aldermen in 2005 and applies to all land within the Corporate Limits and Extraterritorial Zoning Area in the Town of Madison. Questions relating to the Town's Zoning Ordinance, Permitted Uses or Map should be directed to the Planning & Zoning Officer.

The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to encourage protection and development of the various physical elements of the Town in accordance with The Town of Madison Land Use Plan. This ordinance is adopted for the purpose of:

      • promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare;

      • promoting the orderly development of the town;

      • encouraging the most appropriate use of land within the Town’s corporate limits and its extraterritorial planning and zoning jurisdiction.
      • regulating the location and use of structures and land for business, commerce, industry, residences or other purposes except farming;

      • facilitating adequate and economic provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and
      • conserving the value of buildings.



Official Website of the Town of Madison, North Carolina.
Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Background photo courtsey of Albert Cardwell